Weekend roundup - Monday blues -
I know if i don't blog my weekend entries, i probably won't, so here it goes. I'll make it short.
On friday we had the walk the talk thing @ work.
Basically we all had to wear red, and just walked around the the surroundings of our workplace. Then took a group photo. Think its all for show lor.
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Then after the walk, a few of us played some soccer. Its been so long since i played.. that i ran out of gas pretty quick. Thankfully i wasn't alone. I think i played horribly though. Probably need a hell lot of practice...
Went home after that to shower, then meet up Weisiang and the rest in HKS. There's a Scouts competition on Saturday, and we were the host, so basically we had a lot to set up.
I was to be one of the judges together with some old friends, and i stayed and had fun til around 11+, where i couldn't take it anymore and went home for dinner and sleep.
Woke up less than 7hours later, and realised that i'm out of Scout Shirts. Had to wear my Navy T-shirt over. Walked over, and basically what we're afraid of half happened. Because of the late notice, only 2 primary schools and 3 secondary schools turned up.
But that was better than nothing actually. Thank you Jurong Primary, Rulang Primary, Yuan Ching Secondary, Fuhua Secondary, and ugh, i can't remember the last school. Pioneer?
Damn this monday blues thing.
Anyways there were 3 events each for both primary and secondary school. Scouts have an additional Captain's ball event. Sour grapes, chariot race and Kim's game.
Sour grapes = Tie a 3m pole on a 5m pole, and they have to climb up the poles and drape 8 scarves over it. First one to get all 8 up wins.
Chariot race = 2 poles on top of each other, and one in the middle. They have to tie 5 knots to connect all the poles, and one person has to hang on to the 'chariot' while the other 2 drags the pole to the finishing line.
Kim's game = set of 30 items, 3 people in a team looks at the items for 30 seconds, and after that, they have 1minute 30seconds to write down all they can remember. Colour + item. This cycle repeats for 1 more cycle. 4 minutes in total.
Overall i had alot of fun, even though i was just a judge. I sure hope the other schools had even half as much fun as i had... These are some pictures i took.
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And after that, i went home sunburnt, to shower and change, before i went to Jurong Primary School's open house. Its actually an occasion for their Alumni to come back and take down all their particulars and everything..
But what i saw were just ... stalls inside classrooms. The entire first level were stores after stores after stores.. sort of like a bazaar. They had some games on the 2nd level..
And i saw loads and loads of mei meis.. or what Noel would say, Jail Bait. Haha. Figure it out yourself. It was nice to see so many young people, but it does make me feel a bit old, especially when i see the year of graduation where everyone puts 2005 or something, and i put 1996. Haha.
Anyways these are the pictures...
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And with Min Yi's presents in my bag, i was to meet Weisiang at chinese garden at '3 - 4' according to him. So i got there at 3:30, called him and he's still at home. Think he was sleeping cause he didn't sleep the entire night.
Called again at 4:15 and he said he's still at home, coming over soon.
Called again at 5pm and he's still at home. I gave up and went back.
Sigh, i was so tired.. i slept really late these past few days, and that 1 1/2 hours would have been better used sleeping at home lor. If you wanted to sleep, just tell me mah, then i don't have to waste my time liao. Just say.. is it so hard?
On the way home i even fell on the floor. Luckily the presents didn't get crushed or anything.
Suay way to end the day i guess.
Sunday morning i woke up at 7:30 again. Had to go for Hammer Sales.
Basically sold Wp's Papers, The Hammer, with Mr Low Thia Kiang, and Mrs Low. Zhong Nan was the runner. It was okay lar.. what can i say?
slept in the afternoon, then went out with Jack for dinner, and we walked over to Boon Lay Shopping Centre where i got a new keyboard and a usb connector thingy. It was fun catching up again.
Next sunday we're going to JB. Sort of a pre-birthday trip with him.
And on to Monday...
27th August 2007
I really got the monday blues man. Not only was i wearing blue, i woke up feeling horrible (again), and for the whole day i just didn't feel like doing anything.
Had to work of course, but its sort of like half hearted. Just couldn't concentrate.
Had a nice long chat with Mandy as well, and bleh, she's now the President of the Sibei Sian of Mondays Club. SSMC in short. I'm the VP.
Anyways we shared a sibei sian monday together. And i now know more about her. Still dunno whether i'll be getting her any present for her wedding. Have to see how.
Went to PS to collect complimentary Rush Hour 3 tickets, then went back to Jurong where i borrowed a book, and sat there for a bit while waiting for Barry and Kelvin. Played pool for an hour+, before i had dinner with Barry.
Then off to home.
Crap. Now i feel really tired.. zzz.
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