An ordinary man, an normal life, extraordinary thoughts?

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Friday - A day of many wrongs -

31st Aug 2007 - Friday

Today was my leave day again. Why? It was cause i had another Dental Appointment at AH for my Root Canal Treatment. I've actually been to AH four times prior to this, and today marks the fifth time.

1 Pre-surgery checkup, two times for the 'drilling' of the holes, once for the imprint of my crown, and today's the day i'm supposed to go for the last time, to get my crown affixed to my tooth.

And then a final check up one year later. People, don't ever do this, take good care of your teeth/tooth! First off its not fun, and its damn tiring to open your mouth for 2 hours okay. And the thing costs around 1.2k at the moment. Maybe will cost up to a grand total of 1.25k.

That's just for the monetary part. I haven't touched on the intangibles yet. So far i've had 1 mc for the dental, 1 no pay leave, and 2 days of leave taken.

Today is the last day! I'll be done with Ah for the rest of the year at least! So i happily went over and took a cab down again cause i somehow managed to get myself late.

unfortunately, this wasn't the last visit. They said there was something wrong with my crown... the lines aren't cut straight enough or something and if she puts it in, there will be a gap, and that will defeat the purpose of everything.

In the end i needed to come back again! She took another sample and told me there wasn't additional charges but... its not that.. its the intangibles! Damn!

I didn't vent anything out on them of course, but my mood was very sour by this time as it is... why can't i enjoy my leave properly?

And i probably need to take one more day of leave for 1st of October. Hopefully that will be my last visit to AH for this year. Though deep down i wanted to see the dental officer again... she has a sweet voice and all.. this was totally not what i wanted lar. Aargh.

Took the shuttle bus to queensway, cause i'm supposed to meet ricky to head down to Vivo. Smsed him that i'll be reaching earlier, and he should come over to queensway asap, since he told me last night that he'll be at clementi by 1pm.

To cut a very long story short. After various phone calls and smses, i met him at Dover MRT station at 3:30pm. Yes! Another 2 1/2 hour wait! Woohoo!

I'm really tempted to use the f word here, but for the sake of my younger readers.. lets just say i was really pissed. Why do i keep waiting for people? Am i meeting all the wrong people or what?

People really really need to learn that being late for an appointment shows that you are being very rude and disrespectful to the person you are meeting.

In Singapore i think 5-15 minutes is fine, but anything more than that WITHOUT notice is a no-no. I'll implement this today. If this actually happens to me again, i'll excommunicate them for a week.

So much for that.

Boss also smsed me to tell me that i didn't complete the stuff that people left for me. Sigh. Everything is either last minute, or when i needed to find them they're not there. So what's wrong with when they need to find me i'm not here?

I'm starting to get really really negative about work lately. This has been a really long week.

To make things worse, because he was so 'fashionably' late, we reached Vivo at 4pm. The Heroes event started at 3pm for God's Sake! When we reached, all we saw/heard were screaming schoolgirls and loads of people. Really can't see them much lar, but thanks to my trusty K810I, i managed to stand on tip toe and with the help of zoom, got some decent pics.. (i hope).

Had lunch after that, then headed down to Comex. And then headed down to a pub with Kelvin and his friend Michael.

Sigh, i'll end friday here. Too many things to write.


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