An ordinary man, an normal life, extraordinary thoughts?

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Sat - 1st Sep 2007 - SIM open house - Wii -

I got home really late from that pubbing session, and i slept at 6am.

Woke up at 11+, before i changed and wore a new shirt i got from Taiwan some time back.
I must have looked really yandao because i noticed a lot more glances over my side than usual! Ohh, let me be BHB for a day.

Met up with Calvin and we went to SIM proper. Had a very normal lunch at the cafeteria, and we went to a few course briefings.

The one by UOL was interesting enough, that i didn't feel bored or anything, and i stayed attentive throughout.

The one by RMIT was boring cause the Australian 'lecturer?' was monotone, there weren't loads of pictures or anything, and plainly said his presentation was boring.

The psychology/sociology talk started with a guy from NUS talking about his theory. That was interesting. And uh... suffice to say, at the end of it all i was really tired.

There were a few stalls and booths selling stuff, and er, got some interesting stuff for sale, the popular fair was boring to the point of tears falling off my eyes though.

Had dinner at the Clementi Pasar Malam, and then i headed off to Ricky's house to play some Wii.

Even though i reached his place at 7:30, it wasn't until 10 that i got to play the Wii. He was busy counting stuff, and i got so bored that i just 'cam-whored' for the first time in my entire life.

I never knew taking pictures of yourself could be so hard... man, seriously.

I played some ps3 at his place, and some ds-lite as well. It was okay i guess, but when i played Wii i thought it was pretty cool. But most of the games are interactive, meaning you need a human player to play with you.

And that's great! So long both your skills are the same, you should be having a lot of fun.

At the end of it all, i realised that maybe i don't want to buy a ps3 or a Wii for now. My PS2 works fine, and i still have a lot of unfinished games. I don't have a HDtv anyways.

Reached home at 12+. The headache starts.. need to know what to study and Where to study. If i do take up RMIT management from SIM, i need to do it by 1st October, and that's like less than 4 weeks away!

I would like to present you the results of my 'cam-whoring' but i seem to be having problems connecting my phone to my PC as usual, so yea.

I'll see if i can get it up soon. Nope. Doesn't work. It'll have to wait.

Regarding what i did on Sunday.. it'll definitely have to wait. I'm too stoned to do another entry. Time to sleep.. another work week begins tml. sigh.


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