An ordinary man, an normal life, extraordinary thoughts?

Monday, September 03, 2007

3th Sep 2007 - On Anti-depressants? -

3th Sep 2007 - Monday.

I felt like i was on anti-depressants the whole day. Why?

I didn't feel happy or sad. It was more like 'neutral' the entire day.

But as per friday's post, i had to clear up my desk, and settle all the stuff that needs to be cleared.

Surprisingly, i managed to clear most of the debris, though the unpleasant parts are still pending.

I'll try to clear up my stuff and do well for a change. It's long overdue.

And yeap, today shall be a peaceful week. I'll try to keep activities to a minimum, so that i can sleep early and be a good boy. I need a weekend away from my weekend man. More rest less play/going out!


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