An ordinary man, an normal life, extraordinary thoughts?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The past few days

As with 'mutiple entries rolled into one' posts, this entry will try to summarize all that i've done in the past 4-5 days, which isn't easy, considering i've been through quite a bit.

On thursday night i met up with ws for Rush Hour 3, which is a must watch if you haven't already done so. The combination of jacky-chris combination just rocks, and if you stay on til the end, they even showed how Jacky mis-pronounces several words, and its just really funny.

After that, i met Jack for supper after he finished his consultation with the doctor. He must have been much sicker than he looked, because his medical bill came up to a whopping $112.00.

After some wanton mee, we headed over to someplace quiet, and we just talked about politics in general, and a bit about odex, which has been worrying a lot of people.

and contrary to what Jack says, i'm not a wannabe lawyer. In fact i don't intend to further at all, so chances of me being a lawyer at this time is just 1% okay?

Went for my dental appointment the next day. This is my fourth visit to AH for my root canal treatment, and i had to expand a day's leave on this.

Thankfully it took an hour, and the DO has a very sweet voice and eyes. What's the link? It helps when people talk to you in a calm reassuring tone, sweetness is a bonus of course, when they ask you to open your mouth and they put dangerous looking things i wouldn't let my kids play with in.

You get the idea? I think i'll be pretty worried if its a muscle man standing there frowning at me. But that's just me.

I must say this RCT thing with the temporary crown makes it harder for me to chew on my left(treatment on the right side of my mouth), anyone has this problem or is it just me again?

Didn't do anything much other than playing some Valkyrie Profile.

Saturday saw me going to CHC again for a guest talk by Joyce Meyers. She's a 62 year old granny(self termed) who has been through a very bad childhood, and she was preaching about doing things NOW. Live in the moment, instead of regretting the past and worrying about the future.

Its a powerful and good message. Thankfully i managed to stay on til the end before i rushed off for the hougang dinner. Had to take a cab from Tampines, which cost me $9 =/

However, i made it just in time. Had i taken the bus i would have been really late. The dinner was good, i saw Ms Sylvia after a very long time and we caught up a bit. I've seen Mr and Mrs Low before, Kenneth, Clara and Songhan. Julia was new, and another guy whom i can't remember the name.

The dinner was more than worth the $9, cause Ms Sylvia drove me back home. We had a little chat regarding the annuities, and in general.

Oh, saturday was nice.

Had to wake up real early on Sunday cause its hammer sales day. Reached Yishun at 8:35am, and the locality map doesn't show where ChongPang is! I had to call Gavin who gave me wrong instructions =/ Thankfully i asked around some people and i found the way, but by the time i reached i was sweating like crazy. No more wearing 2 shirts for me.

My first hammer sales, afraid i'm too thin-skinned for it at the moment, cause i just hung around watching the veterans do it. I'll get it in time i suppose.

Went for a nice lunch after that, and then to HQ. Lets skip the side trip.. i don't want to remember.

Afternoon was WP youth wing elections, and the VP seat was uncontested. The 3 exco seats Would have been uncontested, until Bernard nominated me. Since i wanted to vote and see what its like, i decided to stand for it. Winnie was nominated after me.

I had to make a short speech, which wasn't as difficult as i thought, and it was all rather exciting. Yet the most exciting part was when they were counting the votes. I was half afraid i'll get in, because i wasn't sure i was ready for this yet, but thankfully i didnt, though i almost did.

I actually had a talk with Zhengxi from, and i did my first ever interview. Haha. It was interesting to say the least.

They then did a video of the new ex-co committee, and interviewed them further.

After everything, i took a lift from Winnie again, and went to Taka where i met up with Davyd, Yenting and Jiahui. Zacky joined us later at the village.

Suffice to say we had loads of fun, though we couldn't finish the food (we let it get cold for too long, and it tasted horrible).

I'll post up the pics at night, and bear with me hor, cause i'm still trying to get a decent keyboard up at home. Imagine not being able to press shift and ctrl!

Til then, cheerios!


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