22nd May - 24th May
Tuesday was a lawless day.. our 'bosses' were on leave!
Not to mention it sort of rained in the afternoon, so we didn't have a lot of people coming in.
A relatively relaxing day, minimal amount of stress~
However, i had to meet Jason at night to get the batteries from him. They've been chasing me for it ever since i went to walk in the morning.
Somehow i was pretty tired by the end of the day, so i tried to nap a bit, only to be waken by the phone... and i didn't even want to pick it up, since it isn't for me anyways.
Eventually we agreed to meet at 10pm, @ Buena Vista. I have no idea why we're meeting there, and i thought he'll just pass it to me and then i'll be off.
He told me Alex would be there too, so i called him, only to find out that he'll be reaching there at around 10:30, so i decided to play with Rain a bit first. I brought bro along with me, and left him with Rain while i went to meet them.
When i reached, Alex told me that we're meeting Jason at TCC, Holland V. I was actually very surprised, because i seriously thought i would be able to go home quick. But bleh, since its like that, just go lor.
Ended up me and Alex had a milkshake each, and shared some wedges. I actually saw Johan there too, what a coincidence.
We talked from around 11 to 12, then decided to leave. Jason came at 12+, citing reasons like he left his wallet at the cab and he had to chase it.
I don't know lar, seriously i'm very sick of his excuses and his constant lateness. He even wanted to ask us to go to Blue Blazze, the ktv pub that he keeps going.
I told him he's crazy. I still have work tomorrow, and Alex has his driving test. So i just walked and walked with Alex til we reached Dover ITE, then took a cab home. Ended up spending around $14 for the night, and that's because Alex treated me to wedges.
Sigh, this is ridiculous. I'm spending so much whenever i'm near him. Not just that, i feel like i'm being used. Considering i finally got the assignment done. Aargh, the more i talk about him the more dulan i am. On to the next day.
Wednesday Didn't do much in work, but went home and took a shower while i waited for Noel to call to let me know he's free. Yeap, had to go to the library today cause Tomithy dumped two books on me, i think mine was overdue too, so i decided to go today.
Went to Jurong Library, and received a call from Jason again. Once again he wanted me to do something i would never have done if i were alone, something along the lines of going to Far east and buying something.
Really ar, i feel like i'm being used. So of course i said no. I like helping people, i enjoy it. In fact i helped some people with their bags when i saw them struggling. But try to take advantage of me and you see what happens lor.
Supposed to meet Noel at 8:30pm, but i knew he'll be late, so i just slacked around at the libary. In the end he came at 9:30+ cause he actually went to JP instead. Ah well.
We tried After burner Climax, and after spending a few minutes on it i was KO'ed, and we went to KFC for dinner.
He talked about Daphne and the issues that are facing him. Daphne's friends all seem to think that he's a 'typical chinese guy', some of them think he's 'dangerous', and some think he's 'scary'.
Wow. I think they're crazy. I believe that as long as a couple is happy. Why do you have so much comments? Can't you see they mean so much to each other? At least Daphne's family is supportive of him.
Reached home at about 11+, and completed my resume, sent it, and slept til 2:45. Champions League Final!
Interesting enough match between AC Milan and Liverpool, but i think Liverpool played much better. However, AC milan won in the end. Good match!
ThursdayAlmost couldn't wake up today =_=.
Luckily bosses not here again, all preparing for the Open house, so we were able to take it easy.
At lunchtime the NS man doctor brought some food in too. Some D-24 Durian puffs "Ultimate!", some chocolate durian puffs, and a box of er, chocolate moouse?
It was really good! They were from Emicakes as well. Phew, it couldn't be cheap.
Yeap, shouldn't describe how we slacked in the afternoon. Haha..
ANd bleh, tomorrow morning i'm waking up really early cause i need to reach camp at 6am, then reach Changi in the ambulance by 7:15am. Sigh.
I'm feeling pretty lethargic. Yeap, i will definately sleep early tonight. Will be reading a bit first though.
oh, regarding my Resume, Jiahui said she'll talk to her ex-boss about it and try to grant me an interview. Thanks Jiahui!
Time to rest... zzz.