An ordinary man, an normal life, extraordinary thoughts?

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

31st July 2007 - Busy day - Sakae Sushi & Sassy Club with Alex - Pay day -

Its a tuesday, but boy is it a busy one.

In the morning i basically had to rush 'project' after 'project', assignment after assignment until 3+pm.

I even had to eat alone cause Barry wanted to visit the doctor as he has the flu.

Tiring, no doubt.

5pm was the quarterly 'everyone' meeting, where everyone's supposed to be at the auditorium for some updates, clapping for new staff, and cutting of cake for those who's birthday happened to be in the same month.

Walked with Barry to the MRT station, and somehow the topic of having a gf at work came up. I thought about it, and told him that its impossible. The older girls are well, older, and most likely would not want a young man like me. The younger ones would go for the older guys, and vice versa.

Besides, if i actually find a gf there, i would be committed to the company =/ That's no good. Plans to leave on a moment's notice would be scrapped. Haha.

Met up with Alex at City hall, where we went to Funan's Sakae Sushi for a buffet dinner. I must say, the last time i had a sushi buffet must be at least more than 3 months ago, way back in Taiwan. Now That was good.

Went to a pub by the name of Sassy Bar afterwards, where we played some pool and had a few drinks. I swear my face was burning on the way back on the train journey home. Bleh.

Too tired to blog much, so i'll end here.

Oh yea, i finally.. FINALLY got my pay! After working for some 46+ days.. whew. Now i'm happy :D

A collection of political proverbs

An oppressive government is more to be feared than a tiger.

Better be a free bird than a captive king.

Better free in a foreign land than a slave at home.

Courage in war is safer than cowardice.

Cursed is he who doth his office craftily, corruptly or maliciously.

Divide and rule.

Even war is better than a wretched peace.

Every man for himself.

Every man is master in his own house.

Fight fire with fire.

Forewarned is forearmed.

From prudence peace from peace abundance.

Give me liberty or give me death.

Good fences make good neighbours.

Good kings never make war but for the sake of peace.

He that is hated by his subjects cannot be king.

He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf.

He who demands does not command.

Little is done when many command.

Might is right.

No government can be long secure without a formidable opposition.

Old politicians chew on wisdom past.

One man with courage makes the majority.

One peace is better than ten victories.

Oppression causes rebellion.

Peace flourishes when reason rules.

Power goes before talent.

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Reform that you may prosper.

The ballot is stronger than the bullet.

The best government is that which governs least.

The cause finds arms.

The fear of war is worse than war itself.

The first duty of a soldier is obedience.

The hearts of people are the only legitimate foundations of empire.

The mob has many heads but no brains.

The office shows the man.

The race is not to the shift nor the battle to the strong.

The right divine to govern wrong.

The subjects' love is the king's best guard.

The tree of liberty grows only when watered by the blood of tyrants.

The unbought loyalty of men is the cheap defence of nations.

The voice of the people is the voice of God.

There is no little enemy.

There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder.

They that govern most make least noise.

To grow proud in office is the nature of man.

Tyranny is far the worse treason.

United we stand, divided we fall.

War makes robbers, and peace hangs them.

When what you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

When power puts in its plea, the laws are silent.

When the cause is just, the small conquers the great.

Who fills the office must learn to bear reproach and blames.

Who loves peace serves God.

Who obtains an office surreptitiously will administer it like a fox.

Who shall keep the keepers ?


Monday, July 30, 2007

30th July 2007 - Tired - Political activation at WP HQ -

Welcome to a depressingly tiring Monday.

Truth be told i didn't feel like doing any work at all. I was so... tired? out of it? I just don't know how to explain the feeling. Guess the term is monday blues..

Barry was feeling the same too, at work. haha. uh .. yup.

Anyways today's badminton was canceled for various reasons. And was shifted to Wednesday for pool, initiated by Barry.

Hah! Lets see how well you can play when you face us singaporeans! lol.

Work was okay, relatively slack until everything came tumbling down together. Wah liew eh. Is that the way things work? =/

Went for JE Kfc for dinner, before taking a train to Lavender to meet Lilian. We then walked for some 8-10 minutes before reaching the WP HQ at Syed Alwi Road. I must say, i made quite a few turns. Would have been hard to reach without a map or someone who knows the place.

Hmm, the door leads to level 2, where there are 2 offices, a toilet, and some other rooms which i didn't get to explore. The main office consists of 4-5 tables where about 10 people could sit down comfortably. There's another room inside the main office, where they were holding a meeting to discuss an event. A cycling event.

I don't really know what to say, not to mention that i'm feeling pretty tired right now. Suffice to say i talked alot with Lilian and the others, and i was comfortable enough to want to be a member, which was $10 + a picture. I get a membership card which does nothing, other than proving i'm a member, and i get to be involved in their activities (which doesn't actually require membership).

Of course i needed to be interviewed by Mr Low Thia Kiang first. Though i didn't believe i did very well, i actually stammered a bit... haha. Maybe too stressed.

There are various activities coming up, and one of them is a temple dinner on Saturday, where a few members together with Mr Low would go for dinner, kindly sponsored by the temple itself.

I'll be joining them this sat, to see what they'll be doing.

Omg. I'm a workers' party member now... oh my god.

Okay i'm feeling pretty tired, and considering i have a full week of work AND activities planned for the rest of the week, i will sleep early.

(I think this is the first week my entire week is packed.. phew. I need space to breathe =_=)

Wait for my next update!

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From here

Short Summary
Librans are emotionally impulsive and just love being in love. In fact they can get quite depressed if they feel unwanted. They're also known as 'Lazy Libran' because they don't like to make decisions. They're just happy to go with the flow. They're fantastically beautiful. People will do anything for them. They're affectionate and sympathetic and intensely interested in people. They love entertaining and lots of good food, which means they're forever dieting. They're also the world's biggest spenders.

Long Summary
Librans have a deceptive appearance, looking soft but being tough and quite selfish underneath. Astrological tradition tells us that this sign is dedicated to marriage but a high proportion of them prefer to remain single, particularly when a difficult relationship comes to an end. These people are great to tell secrets to because they never listen to anything properly and promptly forget whatever is said. The confusion between their desire to co-operate with others and the need for self-expression is even more evident when at work. The best job is one where they are a part of an organisation but able to take responsibility and make their own decisions.

While some Librans are shy and lacking in confidence, others are strong and determined with definite leadership qualities. All need to find a job that entails dealing with others and which does not wear out their delicate nerves. All Librans are charming, sophisticated and diplomatic, but can be confusing for others. All have a strong sense of justice and fair play but most haven't the strength to take on a determinedly lame duck. They project an image that is attractive, chosen to represent their sense of status and refinement. Being inclined to experiment sexually, they are not the most faithful of partners and even goody-goody Librans are terrible flirts.

From a forum:

Tolerance level : 5 stars
They are like a rubber band. When you are weak, they are strong. The balanced Libra is able to be both physically and mentally immune to stress. Most of the time they have a will cross the bridge when they get to it kind of approach.
It is still good to feel abit of stress as a human being

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Ramblings - Net theory -

I spent some time today thinking about this. But just a little time.

Lets apply this to say, relationships.

Suppose we cast our net wide. What we're looking for could be something very general and not very specific, something like age 17-27, either long or short hair (so long she has hair), doesn't have to be very tall or short. Doesn't have to be very pretty, just nice looking.

While these set of criteria probably encompasses at least 40% of all women in Singapore, is it possible that your net is too big? You end up catching nothing, because everything slips through.

After all, with the mentality of "There are so many trees in the forest, i'm bound to find someone better", you end up looking for the next one, and the next, and the next. Because you don't have anyone/thing specific in mind.

However, if you set your sights on someone, and decide that this is the person you want to chase/woo. One thing is your net becomes smaller, because this time its focused. All the effort you put in is for that one tree/fish(since we're using nets as an example..), and if its in your sights, its easier to catch, since you're ignoring all the other trees/fishes in your way.

Shouldn't that be the way relationships be? Instead of casting a wide net, i should focus on a single tree/fish. But that is the mentally i think we should have, after you cast a wide net and see the fish in your sight.

Okay, for those who's lost its fine, but for those who get it. Tag ya?



Some jokes that i think are moderately funny..~

For decades two heroic statues, one male and one female, faced each other in a city park, until one day an angel came down from heaven. "You've been such exemplary statues," he announced to them, "that I'm going to give you a special gift. I'm going to bring you both to life for thirty minutes, in which you can do anything you want to." And with a clap of his hand, the angel brought the statues to life.
The two approached each other a bit shyly but soon dashed for the bushes, from which shortly emerged a good deal of giggling, laughter, and shaking of branches. Fifteen minutes later the two statues emerged from the bushes, wide grins on their faces.

"You still have fifteen more minutes," said the angel, winking conspiratorically.

Grinning even more widely, the female statue turned to the male statue and said, "Great! Only this time you hold the pigeon down, and I'll shlt on it's head."


A man is walking down the street and he hears in his head. "Stop! If you take one more step you will die!"

The man stops and a brick lands at his feet.

He keeps walking not watching where he was going and the voice says again.

"Stop! If you take one more step you will Regret it for the rest of your life!" The man stops and a lorry comes roaring by almost hitting him.

He thinks to himself "Who is telling me this?" The voice answers

"You won't believe this but, I am your Guardian Angel and I am here to protect you." The man thinks to himself

"Where the Hell were you on my Wedding Day?"


Two women are new arrivals at the pearly gates and are
comparing stories on how they died.

1st woman: I froze to death.

2nd woman: How horrible!

1st woman: It wasn't so bad. After I quit shaking from the cold, I began to get warm and sleepy, and finally died a peaceful death. What about you?

2nd woman: I died of a massive heart attack. I suspected that my husband was cheating, so I came home early to catch him in the act. But instead, I found him all by himself in the den watching TV.

1st woman: So what happened?

2nd woman: I was so sure there was another woman there some-where that I started running all over the house looking. I ran up into the attic and searched, and
down into the basement. Then I went through every closet and checked under all the beds. I kept this up until I had looked everywhere, and finally I became so exhausted that I just keeled over with a heart attack and died!

1st woman: Too bad you didn't look in the freezer.
We'd both still be alive.



Under a shallow, starlit sky of mystique grandeur
Accompanied by a lambent crescent, bestowing grace
What more could I ask?
But a date of angelic beauty to be by my side
Real lies therein, Lies real thereof
Life is never a simple affair of romance and love
It carries more

Night ushers comfort and tranquil
While daylight invokes needless fervor
Let the world standstill
For I want to live in this ecstasy forever
There is excitement in boldness, and pleasure in reservation
To love and be loved, is the ultimate sensuality of mortality
Wake me not, until this velvet dream concludes


29th July 2007 - Arcade, Dinner, Pool -

I slept at 4+. Woken up at 10+ by Warren, a sms from someone, then slept a bit til 12 where i got woken up by dear friend Calvin again (This keeps happening on sundays).

One thing is when i woke up at 10+, it was raining pretty heavily, so i was hoping that the rain better recede fast if they wanted to go Sentosa.

Ended up they didn't go, and they kept asking if i wanted to watch a movie with them, or play pool with them, or even go for steamboat.

My original plans were to slack at home, wake up late, then go for a short jog before playing my ps2 a bit and penning my letter.

Well, i did pen my letter, played my ps2 and watched some Azumiya Haruhi. But i didn't jog. Just didn't feel like it =/

What did i write in my letter? Real routine/boring stuff about myself. 2 pages long of a1 or a2 sized paper. First letter mah, has to be short and sweet. Though this does brings back memories of my other pen pal.. my first one, who i have lost contact with. Sent her 2-3 letters without reply.. did she move away? or did something happen to her? The last few letters were pretty sombre and regretful...

I don't think many people reads this blog, but if you have news of a Lynette Liew from Commonwealth Secondary.. she must have graduated some 2-3 years now, please let me know.

Very different girls, these 2 pen-pals. To the extremes even.

Anyways. After repeated phone calls and messages, i reached JP at around 6:15. Was supposed to meet Weiquan, his cousin, Calvin and Shiyu, but only Weiquan and his cousin were there. The other 2 had already left.

Which is not to say i didn't try to enjoy myself. Since i'm already there and all. Played in the arcade. Had fun with the new Maximum impact KOF, but its too messy. Kind of weird game.

Dinner at LJS (oh yes, i picked up a 'british tabloid' yesterday in Orchard. It was just 3-4 pages, but they made it into a tabloid form, and they were advertising LJS's latest set meal. Very interesting marketing strategy.) then pool for an hour odd before heading for home.

Saw Benson and Eunice after drawing $40, leaving me with a grand total of $47. Dang. If only that kelvin would return me $100, and Jooseng my $80. I would feel so much better with a 'cushion' balance. But thankfully i'll be receiving my pay on the 31st. Just 2 more days now.. i can survive!

Hmm. Quan's cousin is actually married. I didn't know that. I do know he's our age, but i didn't know he was married, and that he has a kid. But yea, you can't tell stuff like that by looking at their faces can you?

Cheers to those who msged me and said they liked X-Japan. Just for your information, this song was written in dedication to Yoshiki's father who comitted suicide when he was 10. Sad stuff...

Yawns. Another day tomorrow, another new week, yet another new beginning.

Cheers to more good times ahead~

P.S (To Starlove: my life looks interesting because i arranged to meet up with old friends, do new activities, etc. If i don't call them out, its highly unlikely that they will call me up. Same with activities, if i don't plan anything, they won't plan for me inside ba. So in this regard i've become very pro-active. You can do it too if you want to. In fact, i know you can~)

28th July 2007 - "Alone" with Jaslyn -

Wii session was cancelled last night cause Gary couldn't go, KC didn't want to go with so little people, and i also sian 99% liao. So be it.~ There will be a next time!

Somehow i got the flu, and felt horrible last night. Had to take some meds, and slept at 4am.. only to wake up at 12+

Played my ps2, SMT:Digital Devil Saga. I haven't touched my ps2 for so long. Feels good to be reacquainted with it again..

Left home at 3+ for Cineleisure. Queued up for 10+ minutes at the basement before i got the tickets to Alone, and then walked over to meet up with Jaslyn at Wheelock place. She was working at this restaurant there...

Oh right, on the way there i saw Janice and her friend, waved and left cause i was trying to reach there by 5pm.

Met up with Jaslyn. Her hair is now shoulder length, straight, and more normal in colour. Haha. She's changed a bit somewhat, but still quite pretty lar. Though everyone tends to think they're fat, i think she still looks the same in that factor.

What's changed was she started talking to me in English. Wah lao. Then she got this accent also. The act cute one ... haha. I got used to it after a while.

Went over to one of those mini stores at Taka and had some food. I would GLADLY show you the pics if i have them, but no i don't. Gotta wait til Jaslyn passes me the pics.

Walked up to Kinokuniya, to buy some envelopes/letters for my new pen-pal. This is so exciting, i love buying new stuff~

Then walked to Far East a bit, before rushing back to Cine (blur girl thought we were watching at Lido. bleh). Didn't miss any part of the show, but didn't buy any drinks cause we thought that there would be a counter at the 6th level. Well, there IS a counter, just that they don't sell iced drinks, but bottled ones; at an exceptionally overpriced rate i might add.

Then we settled down for the movie.

Star rating: 3/5


Pim is just another ordinary woman. She moved from Thailand and started a new life in Korea with her caring and loving husband. But one night, a phone call from Thailand changes her life forever. Pim learns that her mother is gravely ill with an unknown disease, and she and her husband Lee rush back to Thailand. The moment she arrives in Thailand, the flashbacks begin - painful memories long buried, along with a strange, familiar feeling. These things only grow stronger as she reaches the house where she grew up.

She is inundated with a nostalgia that is sweet, but with an undercurrent of terror and a realization that someone is there, right beside her, always. That someone had always been there. The secret of Pim and her family has slowly been revealed: she was once a Siamese twin! Pim and her conjoined twin sister underwent an operation to separate them. However, her sister died during the attempt. Now Pim suddenly feels her relentless presence. Will she regain the normal life she once had?


I must say, i was expecting a lot, since the directors of Shutter did this. But it wasn't as scary as i thought. I mean, i got shocked lar, but not 'shutter' shocked.. and the plot is quite predictable. The plot twist is really to be expected, and the last 20 minutes became a thriller.. beh.

Watch this only if you haven't watched any of the nicer shows out there.~

Took the train home, actually saw sis on the escalator of the MRT station.. welcome to work sis~ Jaslyn went to CCK to meet up with another friend for her 5th movie of the week. Phew.

Hectic life huh?

Went home, msned with Xuting for the first time. Learnt more about the pen pal thingy, and also about my pen pal. Its okay. I think its win win~ After all, i gained a new pen pal~

I'm not in love or anything after all. But i know the right one will come one day~ Oh yea, Jaslyn says i give the 'Stable, mature, yet can joke around' feeling. I think she's trying to say i'm boring. haha. Yea, i probably give you the 'stick with me for life' feeling? sigh. Rambling again.

I want to try new things while i'm still young. Enjoy each day as if its the last... live each day with no regrets!

Going to write my letter tml. Meanwhile you guys have fun, whatever you're doing~

PS (On the way home to somerset MRT station my right hand actually got hit by bird crap. My only feeling then was that i'm lucky it didn't hit my white shirt, and i just took tissue out and cleaned it up. I think i'm slowly getting emotionless or something. Maybe can adopt this attitude towards everything in life.)

Be thankful for every little thing in life~

Saturday, July 28, 2007

27th July 2007 - Dinner with Aldwin -

He almost called it off cause he was still swamped with work, but thankfully he called and we managed to go out in the end.

I went to Bugis arcade first as he would be late, and i noticed quite a few new games, though nothing really that interesting other than Aliens: The gun modified version (think the first one came out in 1991 or something), and KOF in 3d. Got to give it a try someday.

Aldwin came soon after, and we walked around Bugis Junction before realising that it was crowded everywhere, and its going to be a long wait no matter where we go.

He suggested going to Miss Clarity Cafe, and so we did. It was going to be a long wait as well, so we went over to a shop in the 2nd level of some building opposite Raffles hotel, and looked around at their merchandise consisting of shoes, bags, clothes. While they looked moderately nice to me, their prices were of the deep end. $170 for a pair of shoes which looks just 'okay' to me. Bleh. I would/could never shop here.

Then waited for some 30+40 minutes outside the shop and caught up with each other.
Turns out he does cardboard adverts for motorola phones.. pretty nice stuff.

Then went in and ordered some food, which i'll show later later when i get the pics from him.

Then went and walked around Bugis Village at 10+. Technically Bugis Village is involved in the last friday of the month thing and stay open til 12, but no, seems half of the sleepy village was closing up or already closed when we walked around.

Think i haven't been here for too long, everything looks pretty different, sort of like more developed in a way.

Then went home, promising to meet up again. Lets hope he can make it for the monday event with me, heh.~

Friday, July 27, 2007

X-Japan - Tears

I love this song!

doko ni yukeba ii
anata to hanarete
ima wa sugisatta
toki ni toikakete

naga sugita yoru ni
tabidachi o yume mita
ikoku no sora mitsumete
kodoku o dakishimeta

nagareru namida o
toki no kaze ni kasanete
owaranai anata no
toiki o kanjite





nagareru namida o
toki no kaze ni kasanete
owaranai kanashimi o
aoi bara ni kaete

nagareru namida o toki no kaze ni kasanete
owaranai anata no toiki o kanjite


English Translation:

Where do we go after we're separated
Now that hanging question has passed
On an endless night, I dreamt of a journey
I gazed at the foreign skies
and embraced the loneliness
Tears always flow with the winds of time
It's not over, feel your sigh.

* Dry your tears with love

Loneliness, your silent whisper
fills a river of tears through the night
Memory, you never let me cry
and you, you never said good-bye
Sometimes our tears blinded the love
We lost our dreams along the way
But I never thought
you'd trade your soul to the fates,
never thought you'd leave me alone

Time through the rain has set me free
Sands of time will keep your memory
Love everlasting fades away
Alive within your beatless heart

* repeat

Tears always flow with the winds of time
It's not over, blue rose from sadness

* repeat

Tears always flow with the winds of time
It's not over, feel your sigh.

* repeat x2


I bring you latest news

2 sirens blared as i was answering the call of nature.

What could it mean?

Thunder could be heard in the background, and after the sirens finished blaring from the direction of the Science Centre, the only thought that came through my mind was Cat 1, and i'm right!

'Our lightning detector system has been activated... blah blah, please stay away from the fields... etc'
and again in different languages.

Never knew Science centre has this kind of thing.

Not to mention, as i was typing this short entry, i got a call from HK asking me to do some kinda survey. I have no idea where/what they're calling from, and they knew that i'm from Singapore.

Basically they asked whether i've been to Taiwan,china,Hongkong, and whether i support the IR, which i said no.

They then asked me for my full name, and told me that there will be some big event in HK with Stef Sun gracing the stage. After that, i got some kinda code from them that can be used for promotional activities in HK i'm thinking.

Man, my chinese sucks. It took my 2-3 times before i understood what IR meant in chinese. haha.

Lightning alert! stay away from the grass!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Some pictures

There's a story for these 2 ice cream okay. I forgot that my wallet was completely out of cash today, and i almost went out for lunch alone! Omg. Thankfully Barry joined me, and gave me some cash to tide me through. I needed to return him the $, so i went to the nearest atm near my place, which is at the ESSO petrol station. They had this promotion, 2 for $18.80 !! I Couldn't resist =/

My Sis bought this for me from her taiwan trip.. is it nice?

Random picture taken from 2-3 weeks back. At the Cosfest @ Ngee Ann City.

26th July 2007 - Reply from WPYW - TGO -

Let me start on TGO first.

Okay guys, from now on you can call me The Great Organizer. Why?
Cause i made a lot of appointments the past week. Today i just confirmed that:

1) Arranged to meet Jaslyn for Alone on Sat. (Lets hope she doesn't claw my sunburnt skin or something)
2) Arranged to meet KC and Gary(?) at Jiaxin's house on sat afternoon for Wii! (Omg i finally get to touch/play it. I really can't wait!)
3) Arranged with the poly gang to meet up with Darryl for dinner next thursday. Currently 5 pple going.
4) Arranged to meet with Alex next tuesday for Sushi dinner.

Phew, and i got arranged to meet:
1) Next monday to play badminton with Kelvin and Barry.
2) WPYC (Workers' Party Youth Council) for their open house weekly at 8-9:30am, this coming monday.
3) David's friend for a bbq on National Day.

Somehow, i realise that if i don't call pple out, they don't usually call me.. or is it just me? Okay i think its just me cause i remember rejecting pple for mahjong and pool when i'm outside :X But people either ask me out when i'm out, or when i'm super tired =/ This isn't fair~

Anyways remember the email i sent them the other night? They got back to me today, and asked me down to their HQ to take a look. They were very nice, i think the President of the Youth Wing emailed me back, and got in touch with another of their Exco committee to email me.

I'm seriously thinking of going down on monday, but i think its a bit weird if i go down alone.. anyone interested to join me?

SMS me or tag me if you're interested :D

Where are you?

I posted this song some 2 weeks back. Now i got the lyrics for it..~ Enjoy~

Natalie, Where Are you?

(feat. Justin Roman)

(I know you are out there baby...somewhere)
There is someone out there for me (I know there is somebody out there)
I know she is waiting so patiently (yeah) can you tell me her name? (Somebody tell me her name)
This life-long search is gonna drive me insane
How does she laugh? How does she cry? What's the color of her eyes?
Does she even realize I'm here?
Where is she? Where is she? Where is she? Where is this beautiful girl?
Who is she? Who is she? Who is gonna complete my world?
Where is she? Where is she? Where is this beautiful girl?
Who is she? Who is she? Who is gonna complete my world?
dadadadadada dadadada dadadadadada (where are you?)

I'm staring out at the sky (I see you baby)
Praying that he will walk in my life
Where is the man of my dreams (right here) yea-yeah
I'll wait forever, how silly it seems
How does he laugh? How does he cry? What's the color of his eyes?
Does he even realize I'm here?
Where is he? Where is he? Where is he? Where is this beautiful guy?
Who is he? Who is he? Who is gonna take me so high?
(Where Are You Lyrics on
Where is he? Where is he? Where is this beautiful guy?
Who is he? Who is he? Who is gonna take me so high?
dadadadadada dadadada dadadadadada (where are you?)

There is someone out there for me (there is someone out there for me)
I know she is waiting so patiently (so patient)
Can you tell me her name (can you tell me his name)
This life-long search is gonna drive me insane (that's right)

How does he laugh? How does he cry? What is the color of his eyes?
Does he even realize I'm here?

Where is she? Where is she? Where is she? Where is this beautiful girl?
Who is she? Who is she? Who is gonna complete my world?

Where is he? Where is he? Where is he? Where is this beautiful guy?
Who is he? Who is he? Who is gonna take me so high?

dadadadadada dadadada (yeah) dadadadadada (I know you out there)
dadadadadada dadadada (yeah) dadadadadada

[Justin Talking]
Where are you?? I'm going to look all over the world baby
'Cuz I know you are out there
I know this might sound crazy, but I think I love you
dadadadadada (that's right) dadadada dadadadadada
dadadadadada dadadada (yeah) dadadadadada

Where are you??


Suzumiya Haruhi

Gavin sent me these txt files containing the stories of Suzumiya Haruhi, which is actually an anime.

I quote
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu (The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi) is a story about a high-school freshman, Suzumiya Haruhi, and those who are caught up in her antics. On the first day of school, she introduced herself in a bizarre way.

“From East Middle School, Suzumiya Haruhi. I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travelers, sliders, or espers here.. come join me. That is all!”

Her classmates wondered whether she was serious or just kidding around. Kyon, a fellow freshman who sits in front of Haruhi, was interested in her because of her strange introduction. Little by little, he tried to talk to her, but Haruhi's answers would always be "Shut up!" "Moron!" "Be quiet!" "Who cares about that!?". However, as the days went by, Kyon becomes the first ever to talk normally with Haruhi and eventually inspired her to form the SOS Brigade which sole purpose is to find aliens, time travelers and espers, and have fun with them.

Yes, this started off as a storybook instead of a manga, and i just realized that i saw an anime quite like this in Taiwan's Maid Cafe! This is the anime i want!

Its going to be pretty cool, seeing a story come alive into anime form.. can't wait to find someone who has it.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

25th July 2007 - 366th Post -

Yeap, i just realized this is my 366th Post.

There's nothing much that happened to my physical body (other than the sunburns, which is starting to itch. You don't want the details believe me), and at work i did more work than usual, cause i opened my mouth and asked for work. Haha. Just couldn't stand staring at the same old documents anymore. Its really really tiring.

Anyhows i had lunch with barry And Kelvin today. Kelvin's the guy in charge of the Power in the company, and we chatted a bit. He suggested we actually play some sports in the weekends, and i told him i'll take him up on the offer if it was actually done in the weekdays (no way i'm going back on the weekends).

Hmm, nothing concrete yet, but soon i may be playing badminton on a weekly basis. Who knows?

Today i sent out a lot of smses to at least 6-8 people, but only 2 people replied. Wah liew. So busy meh? Reply so hard? Growl.

Turned down an invitation for mahjong. Actually wanted to sleep early and all cause i was still feeling a bit blue from Sentosa. Smsed the only person who would reply and keep me on my toes nowadays, Min Yi! Think i'll buy her a special present just for being there. haha.

Sigh, i'm getting crappy. But i'm glad its a wednesday evening, cause its 2 more days to the weekends... even though there's nothing planned yet, other than the Wii session at Jiaxin's place, and of course dinner with Alwin(Khong) on friday night, i'm still open to invitations. Ah right, Sunday's klunch. I wonder who can actually make it..

Yes, so even though its only 9:22pm, i'm going to tell my brother he can use the comp now, and he'll stop playing his horn, and i'll be able to get some peace a bit. heh.

Sweet dreams everyone~

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

24th July 2007 - pool with v5 - thoughts -

24th July 2007 - Tuesday

Was awaken by several Yanie smses. Phew, people haven't been smsing/calling me accidentally for a while now. It feels nice to be mistakenly smsed~ (haha)

You know all this time i was trying to find something to do in the office? Turns out that boss didn't give me much work, because he presumes i'm busy with other stuff.

I was waiting for him, and he was waiting for me! This tends to happen alot. Bleh.

Today i smsed Xuting and Min Yi. Xuting for what present to get Min yi, and Min yi just to say hi. She's an interesting girl. Not your usual run of the mill for sure.

Anyways i quote Xuting, "In a nice way, she's special. In a bad way, she's weird. Haha. But overall she's quite nice. If only she could change her special way of thinking."

Eh. I believe i'm like that too. I always felt different from the others.. Truth be told i fly from group to group, trying to feel like belong, but more often than not, i feel like they are guest characters in my life.

They join me for a while, then they leave, and i'm off to find another group. From macdonalds people, to hongkah people, to boon lay people, to tp people, to army people, to navy people, to chess people, to anyone.

Hmm, and now i'm still in search of new friends whom i can feel comfortable with. Its weird ba, sometimes i can't understand what this group thinks/says, but other times i'm fine with them. Sometimes i think this group is boring, but other times can be very fun.

Okay rambling again.

Boss said something before he left. I should try loads of things when i'm young. Why? Because when i'm young and i make mistakes, youth can be blamed. When i get older, and make the same mistakes, they'll say you're stupid. If you get older still and make a mistake, you'll probably be blacklisted.

So while i'm young, i should enjoy my youth, and go forth and make mistakes! I mean, don't make mistakes for the sake of making them, but take RISKS! Because if i fail, i can attribute it to youth and try again!

Not just for work, but for any other aspect of my life!

Okay, i should start looking for work i can only do when i'm young, and always wanted to do.. but what? Ideas & Suggestions welcome.

Quan said that f5 will be playing pool later at 8pm, so i went home, had dinner, watched 1/2 episode of friends, and i did 2 things as well.

1. I emailed the Workers' Party Youth Wing, and told them i was interested in their activities. Yeap. That's what i did. I'm fed up with the ruling govt. I want to see changes man! Still waiting for their reply.

2. I went to Sbs Transit's website and signed for the Ride & Redeem thing. Basically this promotion has been going on for quite some time, just that i haven't really went to the website. This allows you to redeem points while you just ride on SMRT buses and NEL normally. Some of the prizes are pretty good stuff, and its free registration, so do check it out.

Went to Jp and met up with Junxiang and Ck.. or calvin. Looked around the phones at the Singtel shop, and saw the phone i wanted. It does look a bit weird as compared to k800i, but ah well. I need to feel it before i know.

Anyways we went up to play some pool soon after, and they changed the carpeting of the tables. And right, we were asked to show our ICs as proof of our age. Wah, i feel so young again.

I then proceeded to play one of my suckier few matches. I couldn't help it! The music was blasting, and it was english hip hop! I have no idea what they were singing, but it was damn loud and distracting.

Morale dropped to all time low here.

Apparently i wasn't the only one affected, cause i managed to win 2 out of 5 matches in the end.

Were hungry, so QS drove us for some Nasi Lemak at Boon lay. Waited for at least 20 minutes i think. The otak was good, the chilli was good, but the chicken wings were kinda.. normal. It was much better the last time..

We chatted and crapped, then left for home..

Phew. Its 12:20 already. Will be sleeping real soon. Zzzz.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Meaningful story

On a completely unrelated note, I bring you this story.

A mouse story-

A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package. “What food might this contain?” The mouse wondered he was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap.

Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the warning: “There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!”

The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, ”Mr.Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by it.”

The mouse turned to the pig and told him, “There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!”

The pigs sympathized, but said, “I am so very sorry, Mr. Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray. Be assured you are in my prayers.”

The mouse turned to the cow and said, “There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!”

The cow said, “Wow, Mr. Mouse. I’m sorry for you, but it’s no skin off my nose.”

So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer’s mousetrap alone.

That very night a sound was heard throughout the house — like the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey. The farmer’s wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught.

The snake bit the farmer’s wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital, and she returned home with a fever.

Everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup’s main ingredient.

But his wife’s sickness continued, so friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer butchered the pig.

The farmer’s wife did not get well; she died. So many people came for her funeral, the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide enough meat for all of them.

The mouse looked upon it all from his crack in the wall with great sadness.

So, the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it doesn’t concern you, remember — when one of us is threatened, we are all at risk. We are all involved in this journey called life. We must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra effort to encourage one another.

Each of us is a vital thread in another person's tapestry; our lives are woven together for a reason.


23th July 2007

Alright, its a monday again.

And this time, i really didn't want to wake up. Really. I felt warm and sore all over, and actually felt cold when i started showering, so i had to use hot water, which wasn't very beneficial to my back and neck i'm guessing.

Had some durian puffs and watched channel 46, thanks to recommendations from Gerlind Jie. They were showing some pool variety show. Basically some 'games' with the cueball and pool cue. Much more interesting than randomly flipping through the sports channels or animal planet... Ah.

Walked to the bus stop, saw 198 so i made a dash for it. Couldn't make it, but thankfully another one came less than 5 minutes later. The dashing made me realize the meaning of .. pain.

Work was normal. Though i heard that Michelle was quitting. Michelle, who was seriously telling me how she wanted to 'move up in the organization' and all. I'm really surprised. Think the 3 months must have changed her perspective. Either that or the confirmation salary was wayyy below what she expected. That's very very possible and likely.

No prizes to why there's a high turnover rate here.

Had lunch with Barry again, and this time we talked about Batam, his hometown. And guess what? He's going back on National day, and i may be joining him. Just to see the town and all.

That's something else to look forward to. Maybe i'll really join him if i got nothing on that day. Heh.

Had to cancel my facial today cause my face was apparently red, very red. No way i'll subject myself to the facial under these circumstances, so i had to reschedule.

I smsed Yingying today and wished her a happy first day in school, and i ended up being right! It Wasn't her first day! It was in August~ Very paiseh hor.. so i told her to save the message til August.. haha.

Damn i feel damn lame =/

Luckily i changed my appointment, cause on the way back i realized that my PSP's battery was flat. I must have accidentally turned it on, and let my bag hear all the music. At least someone/thing is happy..

Today i smsed Starlove and Min yi and a few others as well. Kaili didn't reply as usual. Starlove and i shared a few laughs.. haha. Private Joke, so you all wouldn't understand.

Min yi is surprisingly different this time when i smsed her. Its like when we first met again. She's very straightforward lor, less than 4-5 smses she tell me her birthday is on National day, and asked me to buy something for her liao.

Seh. She must be the first ever girl to ask me to do that.

Anyways i reached home to watch 2 episodes of Friends, before showering and meeting Shiyu. She wanted me to plan something for her... ended up talking til 9:30 like that, from 7:45. Think there's really a lot on her mind, and although i don't support all your thinkings, like the one with your friends, alot of things you will learn in time.

I just don't want you to be like me, i got hurt once and since then i've decided that nothing should be indispensable to me. Ended up i became very emotionless and .. well, the way i am now. I dare say i can live without anything. Send me to the US for 5 days and i'll survive. But whether i'm happy or not is another matter.

I think all our needs are simple, to be happy, and to find someone to love or be loved.

But sometimes we're placed in situations where its just not very possible to do so. Yet, we have to realize that happiness is not a destination, but a journey. Same with Love. You don't find Love & Happiness at the end, but on the way. Maybe you'll find peace at the end though, eternal peace..

Okay i'm rambling again. Sigh, when you told me your story, i also felt like crying. I know you've been through a lot, and i'm proud of you girl, that you're still so strong now.

Continue to be strong, and live on. You know what you want to do now, and if you're in doubt you can always ask me again.

Okay, that's about it i suppose. Gotta sleep soon, still got work tml..~

Signing off,

Sunday, July 22, 2007

A simple poem of Our Love

Before i begin, i thought i'll just say that i find this very nice, and its not written by me, but by my friend, who's very good with poems and other stuff like that. Got any comments for him you can let me know.. this is one of his simple ones.

Dear love,

Why is it when you turn around
That curtains of cloud draws apart
And the sun smiles brighter?

Why is it when you are around
That tears become joyful
And I feel safe and sound

Why is it when you have found
Me, that I become a flower willing to be picked
And become your momentary bliss?

Why is it when I looked at you now
That you would smile shyly away
And it is feeling I shared as well.

Why are there so many unexplained “whys?” when we are in love?

I cannot imagine
A day without your laughs
A night without your spoken words
A moment without your love
A lifetime without knowing you

You may be younger
But definitely not less mature or passionate
I may be older
But definitely not more demanding or unattractive
Let’s just be ourselves and love as we are

This is a simple poem
Of my love and yours
From me and you to us

Your dearest


Food pictures!

Okay here are the dinner pics~

Weiquan's hot and spicy beef noodle with "typoon shelter" style.

Junxiang's Korean beef noodles. $6.90 also.

Our drinks! Lychee Aloe Vera and Honey Lemon. $4 and $2.50+

My beef steak in cheese. I really enjoyed it @ 12.90 for the set with drinks and a minestrone soup.

This picture just shows how much weiquan enjoyed his food =_=

Wang Lee Hom - Ai Cuo

Another song i like to sing (used to) in Ktv..

Wang Lee Hom - Ai Cuo

北风毫不留情 把叶子吹落
叶子失去消息 风才感觉寂寞
整个冬天 北风的痛没人能说

我从来没想过 我会这样做
从来没爱过 所以爱错
我从哪里起飞 从哪里降落
多少不能原谅的错 却不能重来过

翻开回忆角落 完美的生活
仔细回味当初 那个故事背后 Oh 原来是我

我从来没想过 我会这样做
从来没爱过 所以爱错
我从哪里起飞 从哪里降落
多少不能原谅的错 却不能重来过

在这少了你的世界 Oh
其实我不想道别 那些过去

我从来没想过 我会这样做
从来没爱过 所以爱错
我从哪里起飞 从哪里降落
多少不能原谅的错 却不能重来过
我从来没想过 我会这样做
从来没爱过 所以爱错
我从哪里起飞 从哪里降落

Mtv shows him and Vanness fighting in a boxing ring..
Think this is really a nice song. Enjoy~


22nd July 2007 - Sentosa again -

At 1+am, the rest of the family came back.

Basically sis, bro, dad, and mom. Sis just came back from Taiwan, while Dad just came back from Indonesia.

Quite a coincidence hor, they came back on the same day, not to mention their arrival time was just an hour away from each other.

They took quite a lot of time to unpack... i got a pendant from Sis! Something i asked her to buy. No pic of it yet, but soon~

I was trying to sleep, but sis's lights were on, so i couldn't really sleep =/

Think she switched off her lights at 2:30 or 3am lor.

And i had to wake up at 9:30am, all cause i needed to go to Sentosa. Man, i didn't want to wake up.

Added the virgin entry, then left for Sentosa with Junxiang, Ck, Wq & Qs.

Reached the food court at Vivo and met up with Brenda, Anne, Carol and ... omg i can't remember her name. She reminds me of Linda at work that i subconsciously think of her as Linda now.

Bleh. We went over, took over a Volleyball court, and starting playing. Basically, i think we played vball for a couple of hours, with different people. It was fun playing with people who knew what they were doing, cause initially when we played against ourselves, lets just say it didn't go past 3 touches, not much anyways haha.

We played a bit of frisbee afterwards, then dipped in the sea for a while. Played some dodgeball amongst ourselves for a while, then just slacked off a bit before we went and changed up.

Think i got burnt pretty bad. Bleh. I'm burning up liao haha.

We went to Vivo, and decided to go to Kim Gary's HK restaurant for dinner again. QS and CK had to go home for dinner, so 7 of us waited for some 20+ minutes before we finally got a seat. Separated seating because the 7 seater was kinda weird.

The food was better than usual, maybe because i'm hungry, or maybe because the food i ordered just tastes better. I'll show you the pics when weiquan gets back.

Left for home after that. Quan and Junxiang probably playing pool now at JP. Didn't really feel like playing cause neck feels hot, not to mention i played pool for 2 straight nights liao. Ho ho ho.

I think if i played any more i'll get real sick of it.

Okay, time to read up on friend's blog, then sleep. See ya guys tml~


Virgin chat

Okay, for those of you who has been having weird thoughts ever since i mentioned 'Virgin' chat, i was most definitely referring to this definition.

Happening for the first time; initial.


first: the senator's virgin speech.

and not the other 17 definations that appeared on

And yes, its that your Yingying Linjie~ I couldn't resist and went through yr friendster and messaged her.

Don't hate me okay? I'm still the same old Aaron.

Ah, this is getting weird.

Signing off.~

21st July Saturday - 2/5 events -

21st July Saturday - Dinner at Bukit Batok CC - Pool with Gerlind, Amy, Simon -

I missed out an event in the morning, a shi zhi lu kou event with LTA Kelvin from TNB. Turns out he was from CHC, which i verified when he called me on thursday.

Didn't want to wake up so early, so i told him i'll give it a miss.

I was really tired when i slept at 1+am today, but wasn't really surprised when i woke up at 12:30. Guess 11 hours of sleep is quite alot liao.

Woke up, watched some Bleach (The feeders are getting ridiculous, this one was about Ayasagawa and... Cake baking! oh my god! When will they start fighting or something?) and Friends (This one worse. I'm at Season 3 and Joey and Rachel broke up. This must be one of the most sad episodes in friends.. =/). Thoroughly demoralized, i decided to finish reading up my Nicholas Spark book, which i'm not surprised, to find the guy dead. Somehow i knew he'll die lar. Nicholas Spark always has someone die at the end..

My heart shattered, i decided to sleep a bit. Woke up at 6, then left for Gavin's 'dinner'. They're having some buffet dinner cum durian celebratory dinner. Probably for the event a few sundays ago, cause i saw some Ngee Ann Poly people.

There were about 20+ people, most of them were inside the room, and were watching Hot Fuzz. Its a nice cop show about an overly serious cop being sent to a 'dull and peaceful' town cause he's making everyone else in the force look bad. Turns out the town starts to have its own spate of murders, but no one believes him.

The buffet was in a room, made up of many comic books and magic cards and toys. There's even this mini UFO catcher toy. Quite cute.. Aargh. Once i get my K800I i swear i'll take photos of anything/everything~

Saw some of Gavin's old friends as well, though i can't remember their names. Last i saw of them was at Eugene's christmas thingy 2 years back. Right.

Guys to girls ratio was 10:3, which wasn't as bad as i thought. There were even a few pretty ones, which reminded me of my poly times. Sigh, somehow looking at them makes me feel a bit older than i really am. I didn't mix with them cause they were all together, and i didn't really knew anyone.

I guess, until i get out of this 'life is too serious' mentality and start embracing 'we only live life once, so get out and have fun!', i'll continue to be my shy, lazy self, and keep going out with my old friends over and over again until they start disappearing on me one by one.

I reached at 7, and left at 8. Took a train to City Hall, then walked a bit before Simon fetched me, and we went to Pool.. pool fusion? Nice place, nice english music, pretty cozy kind of place. Amy and Gerlind was there playing, and soon it was Simon and my turn.

Ah, i only won one round, and i keep losing by 1 ball to Simon and Gerlind(last round was 3 balls). Today not very on form, though i made a few amazing shots. Haha.

We played til 11pm, then left for home in Gerlind's turtlish car. Yeap, turtles everywhere!

Thanks for fetching me home! So happy..~ haha.

Okay, other 2 events i missed was:
1) Supposed to go to Airport to fetch Sister, but Mom told me not to go cause they're waiting for Dad as well, and there will be no space in the cab, so i ended up not going.

2) Was supposed to visit Jaslyn at her work place in Wheelock, since she started work at 5, but its very weird to go down to Wheelock, then back to Bukit Batok, and make another u-turn to city hall right? So this will have to wait.


I saw Darryl at City Hall MRT Station! Was so excited to see him lor. Since the last time i saw him was at David's birthday, which was ... which was in .. December? I can't really remember.

He told me he's ORDing this month, and that he joined SIA as a steward liao. Phew, think i'll be seeing him even less, so i'll try to meet him up and catchup while i still can.

Don't think he changed that much.. Heh, according to him i didn't change much too. He asked me to dye my hair, and believe me, i'm very tempted to. Soon ba. Maybe in the new few months i'll just dye my hair orange like Ichigo... or just highlight it or something.

Orange... brrr..

Somehow, even though i didn't do much, i still feel tired now. Argh.. i need a mission in life!

Sentosa in a few hours.. gotta sleep early~

Friday, July 20, 2007


Yes, a special DATE, for a normal day.

Went to work as normal, and time just seemed to crawl by.
I msned quite a few people, thank you for your time~

Didn't do anything much today, but next week onwards should be busier.

Decided to meet Gavin for pool tonight.
Was walking to Popular when i saw Jianyong, and went to JE kopitiam with him.
Chatted a bit, then Gavin came and we played an hour of pool.

He wasn't kidding when he said he didn't play since before NS. I won every round except for one where the black ball went to the wrong hole =/

We talked about his trip in Taiwan, and basically caught up. I haven't seen him for a few months after all.

Went to popular after that, bought some empty dvds..then went home.

Went home, showered, and had my msn ever chat with YingYing~
Although the chat lasted for around 3 minutes, it was fun.
Looking forward to chatting with you again~

Currently 2 events tml, thinking of whether to go for the third one. Already cancelled the one in the morning.

Bleh. Now i'm feeling tired, and a bit aimless too. Zzz.

Sian arrr! On to tomorrow!~

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Rain in the morning

How can i forget about the rain in the morning?

It was okay when i woke up, sky just looked a bit black, then it started raining... and the rain got harder and stronger.

It became a full fledged thunderstorm... without the lightning and sound effects. There was no choice, i had to take an umbrella. Yet, when i reached the bus stop i was wet.

Not to mention when i was on the bus ride to work. I saw the bus making waves.. on the road! How incredible was that? Then i realised that the whole road was flooded, everywhere.

Perhaps the afternoon rain yesterday was too much, and this morning's rain just decided to overflow from the canals and all.. yet, it wasn't that bad in December, why so bad now?

Worse thing was the floods were so bad, my entire shoes were in the water and my socks were wet..

I ended up being barefoot most of the day. Hah! I must be the only one with wet socks!

Blog layout Change!

19th July 2007 - New Blog layout!

Don't know if you're waiting as excitedly as me, but here it is! My New blog layout!
Added in some stuff and removed some others, but i think it looks good. Remember to tag and let me know how you feel!

I should be changing songs ever so often, so if you get bored of the current one ..
Luo Zi Xiang - Ai Zhuan Jiao.. let me know.

Meanwhile these are the lyrics:

不露痕迹的 想在你身边
某个路口 爱在等着

不回头看了 记忆的笑脸
我爱你的 心牵挂着

心不再拚命躲 不去害怕结果
假设有个以后 你会怎么说
一直想跟你说 幸福不再溜走
下个路口 你会看见爱

爱转角遇见了谁 是否有爱情的美
爱转角以后的街 能不能有我来陪
爱转角遇见了谁 是否不让你流泪
也许陌生到了解 让我来当你的谁
我不让爱掉眼泪 不让你掉眼泪
你就是我 就是我的美

心不再拚命躲 不去害怕结果
假设有个以后 你会怎么说
一直想跟你说 幸福不再溜走
下个路口 你会看见爱

爱转角遇见了谁 是否有爱情的美
爱转角以後的街 能不能有我来陪
爱转角遇见了谁 是否不让你流泪
也许陌生到了解 让我来当你的谁
我不让爱掉眼泪 不让你掉眼泪
你就是我 就是我的美

爱转角遇见了谁 是否有爱情的美
爱转角以後的街 能不能有我来陪
爱转角遇见了谁 是否不让你流泪
将寂寞孤单作废 让我来当你的谁
我不让爱掉眼泪 不让你掉眼泪
你就是我 就是我的美

I really liked this song.. trying to perfect it in KTV.
Hah! I'll change it when i get bored of it..

Right, boss is still on mc, that's why i decided to change my layout and all.
Til tml.. and after that.. weekends!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

July 18 2007

Went for a short jog after i went home.. didn't want to touch the comp much, so i just burned a few dvds and just left it at that.

Phew, i think i'm getting a bit out of stamina. But at least i don't think i'm fat anymore.. haha.

Gonna read a bit, then sleep early again, since there's nothing much to do. Oh yea, i watched friends before i went for the jog.. it really cracked me up. Man i miss that show soooo much.

I should watch it more often.~

17th - 18th July 2007.

17th July 2007 - Tuesday -

Today i explored the possibilities of quitting this job in my head.
And why not? I don't talk to anyone much here other than my boss and barry, and i don't feel i'm doing a good job at what i'm doing.

Granted, this job asks me to look at details and specifics, which i'm not good at since i usually look at the picture on the whole, but sometimes i feel like i'm just playing at working.

Everyday i wake up feeling like i didn't sleep much. Every evening when i leave for home i feel immensely tired. Yet the amount of work i do doesn't justify that. I don't know why i feel this way.

To say i'm happy here would be quite an understatement. I told Barry that perhaps i'm not used to this job, because i've always worked in service lines before, or other than that, jobs which allows me to talk to other people, or with friends.

Here the only time i talk is when i ask for something, or everything work-wise. Not to mention lunch time when i catch up with Barry a bit.

I was contemplating this of course, when i met Dennis at the hallway. He was waiting for someone to show, and we ended up having a short conversation. He admitted that while the pay was low, the intangibles more than made up for that couple of hundreds. Like a good boss, relatively good working environment, etc.

I thought about it a little, and then went back to work. Well it is true, i'm not stressed out here at all, and that's a good thing. Truth be told, i think i did much more work last year in the Medical Centre daily.. here i do less than half of what i did, even though the monetary effect and responsibilities are so much higher.

Went home, got some pics from quan, then read and went to sleep at 10pm. Just didn't feel like doing anything.

18th July 2007 - Wed - Boss Mc -

Despite having close to 9 1/2 hours of sleep. I still woke up feeling like crap. This has got to stop somehow. Strangely enough, after i showered and came here, i didn't feel that bad.

Met up with Dennis at the bus stop, he happened to be on 66, the bus behind me, and we went to the counter to get a copy of Today. I didn't know there were free papers everyday. Now i do though heh.

Was about to go into my office when i heard from Ryan that boss is on MC.

Truth be told, the whole office has been quiet til now. Except for a couple of phone calls and some people calling in..

I've been reading alot... on WP, on SGF, on stuff in general. Been thinking a bit too. Like what i want to do in the future..

Strange how it seems so different when i'm out of NS.

I think the greatest difference between me now and back then in NS was the fact that i now know more about politics. Not a hell lot more, but i've been reading up and yes, i dare say i know more about politics now.

Haha, back then i wanted to be a minister, cause they were drawing high salaries. I just didn't know that from 1994 they were drawing 1+ million a month, and just recently 2+ million a month. Yeap, a MP is making $183,333.33 a month, or just $6,111.11 a day.

I know i'm never be a politician. I know too little about politics, and my character is just too nice. I'll be trampled everywhere among other stuff.

But i know that its getting harder to live, and the thought of moving elsewhere to work is surely getting in my head. Maybe i could use this time before i start studying to enrich myself, like studying Canto if i really want to work in HK or even Taiwan.

Ah well. Sometimes i think i really think too much. No?
Gotta focus on my goals... still want to write a story!

Later then~

Monday, July 16, 2007

16 July 2007

16th July 2007

The day boss was early. Reached work at 8:35am, only to see boss in the office. The windows at the back were a bit fogged, so i'm guessing that he's been here since 8.. or thereabouts. That's really early.

No highlight/event of the day, other than Esther popping in and asking if i knew how to use the address directory.

OH yes, not to mention someone from the courier service called, and asked if i knew who they should pass the bills to. The lady Veron then told me alot about Informatics history.. like how there's alot of people quitting and joining, how PT seems to be little known in Singapore, and that they're not doing any advertising at all. Even IEL is the same.

Then there's all those problems about PT.. ok. I should stop. you all wouldn't understand, but basically i'm getting the idea that my company isn't really very well liked and all.

Anyways. I was supposed to meet Noel at "7+8", so i went to Jurong east Regional library, managed to borrow a Nicholas Spark book, slowly walked to Watsons and bought some stuff, before slowly walking to the train station and slowly walked to Jurong West Regional Library, which i reached about 7pm, and slowly read my book, til 8pm. Noel told me at 7:35 that he just finished cutting his hair, and is on his way back home. Naturally i inferred that he'll reach at around 8:15, since he's about 10 minutes away from home..

So i reached MOS burger at 8pm, played my PSP which i realised is devoid of nice games til 8:40 when i called him and he said he's reaching. He came at 8:46, giving that little apologetic wave, and ordered his stuff before he came over.


I haven't even ordered yet.

Does he think i enjoy waiting or something?

Anyways, after our dinner we had some pool, and i must say i finally won him.. i must have improved alot and he deproved alot.. (according to him). I must have played one of my best few games today.. it was pretty amazing actually.

Towards the end, he paid for the table first, and then went to the toilet to crap. And i had more waiting to do.. when i told him if that $4,50 could justify my waiting for him for 2 hours, he got quiet..

Then i asked him whether his gf waits for him more, or he waits for his gf more. He said it was the former, then he got all quiet.

I didn't feel like talking either. After all, i told him i wanted to reach home early today multiple times, cause i was feeling tired. In the end i reached home at 11:15.. another late night...

Who's wrong and who's right? Or is there no right or wrong here?
I dunno man. I dunno.

I wanted to talk to him about some stuff, but i ended up getting a bit pissed while waiting, and when pissed i tend to talk about the stuff i'm most pissed at (Namely PAP *Cough*).

Aargh. The hatred is accumulating. I'm going to join WP. Sylvia wait for me!

(Though i must say i controlled myself pretty well throughout. I didn't throw any tantrums or give any dulan look. It came out only at the end... sigh. I'm just tired of everything. The worst thing to do is to ask me to wait for hours when i'm not in a very pro waiting mood. Zzz)

Great. Its 12am now. Yay, another long day at work tml~

Sunday, July 15, 2007

July 15 2007 - Sunday - Sentosa

July 15 2007 - Sunday - Sentosa !

Phone call by Choykeet woke me up.. at 10:30. Darn! I was so planning to sleep til 1pm before waking up, but noooo.. someone had to wake me up early, and even i went through all that trouble of turning my phone to silent mode too =/

They decided to meet up earlier instead, and so i did. Nothing to do and feeling tired again, so i went back to sleep ... though i woke up feeling more tired ... again.

Eh. This is starting to become a bad habit or something. I need to snap out of it.

Anyways met up with CK and Shiyu at JE station control, where we started talking on the way to Vivo. Glad to see they clicked pretty well, and we went to Superdog at Vivo for lunch.

Ahhhh. i would like to say so much more, but i suddenly have so many things to do...
Like burning stuff for mom, burning dvds, talking to min yi... etc. Now i gotta reboot...

Think this will have to wait. I'm really quite tired out..
Okay, i'm typing this exactly 24 hours later.

Yes, superdog. The hot dog was pretty expensive, though it pales in comparison to Botak Jones! Man i miss Botak Jones. Told them i'll bring them there someday.

Went up to the top floor to wait for Budee. We tried to look for him in the open air sky park, but couldn't find him, so we went to the Sentosa booth and waited for him instead.

Think he took 15-20 minutes before coming... and i almost fell asleep.. zzz. I was so very tired lor.

Then took the train in all the way, and bought some stuff at 7-11 before going to the beach proper. Couldn't really find a nice spot, so we just slumped our stuff on a shaded area, then idled a bit before going in to Cafe Del Ma..

Basically this del ma thingy consists of many 'beds' in the sand.. so long you buy a drink, you have a license to any of the beds that are 'free'. There's a mini pool inside, as well as indoor beds, which i heard requires a minimum spending of $200. Whew.

3 of us bought a glass of liquor each, while Shiyu bought grapefruit juice (the extend she goes to slim down is incredible) for herself.

Hmm, much of the afternoon was spent lazing around in the water. Talked a bit to CK about present.. future.. etc.

CK had to join his family for dinner at 7pm, so we changed and left at around 6:15. Then we went to what we came for... or what Shiyu came for. The sky ride.

Umm. basically.. You know those ski countries, there's this contraption to bring you to the top of the mountain? That's basically what it is. There's a go-cart like thing to bring you down from the top if you like, and that's what most people do. Alternatively you could always alight at the top, or just take the ride down.

Shiyu didn't want to take the cart down, so we just took it up... and down again.

.. She was really excited about it.. since she's scared of heights and all. For me well.. i think the breeze is nice.. the view is okay... ahya. Its just okay for me.. after all i think i've seen and felt a lot better in the Navy.. guess it isn't all wasted huh.

CK had left by the time we came back, (the ride to was about 5 minutes, and another 5 minutes back) and we decided to leave for Vivo for dinner. I told them i heard there's a nice HK restaurant around here somewhere, and we ended up at Hong Kong Kim Gary's restaurant.

Hmm. The food's good, relatively cheap, and the place is nice. Just don't buy their ice kachangs.. haha.

Lazed around a bit afterwards, and then left for home.

On the way home i decided to settle Weisiang and Minyi's problem. I knew it was going to be hard for Xuting to say all those stuff, so i tried... conclusion before i slept was that she's just not going to meet Ws again. So.. like that lor.

I slept at 12:30... + feeling so awfully tired.


14th July 2007

14th July 2007 - Satuday - Harry Potter with Wx,Xt,My. Saw Lingzhi, Alvin. Winnie -

Woke up at 12:30 by a phone call from quan, asking if i wanted to play mahjong. God! I swear i'm going to just turn my phone on to silent mode when i sleep.

I told him i'm watching HP with friends later at 5, and i won't be joining him.

After that, just dazed and lazed around, wondering what to do. Didnt' feel like eating, didn't feel like watching anime, so in the end i just went back and slept again for an hour odd.

Woke up feeling tired... sigh.

Ate some bak gua, then changed and left for JP.

Met up with the 3 of them at Mos Burger, where Wx was writing some notes on his notebook. Wth? Why did he bring his studies onto a movie outing? =_=
Could see that Ming Yi was quite sian ba.

Anyways i suggested that we go up and collect the tickets.. and i saw alvin and lingzhi walking together. Wow! They're still together.. and pretty loving too. Its been like ... since sec 2, like Xiuting and Jianhao... Junhao? 9 years now! That's damn amazing!

The show was pretty dark, but it was okay. Not exactly what i'll call very nice.. and the kissing scene was kinda stupid. I dunno why they feel so gek about. Then again, i felt gek at Selina kissing ah xin from Mayday in a mtv, so yea ..

Saw Winnie as she was leaving the toilet, so i smsed her. In the end i asked her to come over to pizza hut (where we were planning to have our dinner), and say hi. Ended up they wanted to eat at Clementi instead, saying that the restaurant there is quieter and we'll be able to get seats, so off we went.

Managed to see Winnie first. She hasn't changed much, though this is probably the first time i had a decent 'short' conversation with her. Still very pretty~

Anyways, Min Yi just started to walk away, after Xuting and Weixiang took some time talking.. could see that she's just bored of it all. I had to walk faster to chase her, and told her to slow down a bit, we almost couldn't catch up..

She then replied that she's already walking pretty slowly, and then Wx just walked up by himself... sigh. Now i had to chase Him, and could see that he's angry with Her.

Thing is i don't know why Min Yi does the thing she does... the first time i met her she looked like a very nice person, could my judgement of her be so wrong? Or was it a freak accident that night? What happened to her.. why is she so distant? Maybe she cannot stand the little acts of intimacy, but still walking away is pretty rude..


In the end the 3 of us without her went to pizza hut, ate for a few hours, then sent her home, then played some pool at the RC again.

Today i played like Shite. Could be my tummyache, or i'm just off form today...
Talked alot to wx today again, but yea that's just normal.

Supposed to go to sentosa tml, and there's a cat show at chevrons, but no one wants to go with me.. bleh.

Guess i may just give it a miss, its 4am now ... think i'll just sleep til 1pm.

.. Pray that i get to go to 192/193 sqn as well and i'll receive my letter very soon.. this is getting a bit .. kanchong for me.


12th - 13th July

I've been a bit late in updating, but i just didn't feel like it.. feeling pretty nua actually.

on Thursday 12th July
It was the first time i stayed til 7+pm. I can't believe it. From 4:30+ i finished most of my stuff, and i'm just waiting til 6pm before i can leave, but at around 6, my boss told me i got the wrong template, and i had to change it.

Nothing wrong with that, but after i changed it and printed it out, i couldn't find where i saved it! Omg. Thats the suckiest part. I had to re-type it out.. man. That sucked.

Friday 13th July

Woke up at 12+.. ate some food, watched naruto and ate my frozen pizza, til i left at around 1:15pm.

The bus came at 1:28, instead of 1:22. The IRIS thing tricked me~!

Because of that, i had to alight somewhere in Buena Vista at 1:50pm, and take a cab there. The ride cost 5 bucks, which could have been saved if i left earlier, but bleh.

Nothing much to say about the RCT, other than the fact that i need to come back 3 more times, 2 times next month, and one more time next YEAR. Yea, they do think pretty far ahead huh.

Decided to walk around Queensway for a bit, since i'm looking for a chain/pendant. I found a black chain to replace my old one, and while looking at another shop, bought a pendant and chain, and also a ring. Yea, never thought i'll get a ring, but i get a 10% off once i hit $50, so might as well. She asked me to wear a er.. cuff? Those stuff you wear on your hands, but that's too un-me, so i took the ring instead.

And who should i see as i left the shop but Kelvin, a LTA in TNB, who i sailed with in Gallant to Port Blair~ Seems he's looking for a pair of dumb-bells for his friend, which we eventually found in the top level.

Then went shopping until his friend Denise came. Had some food and drinks, then walked around and shopped around some more, til his other 2 friends came. I said goodbye instead of hi, and took 14 to Le Meridian Hotel, where i met up with Stuart and the rest.

Its a TMC gathering~ For MSG Edumund's promotion. Saw most of the TMC pple, sat together with Peter, Mingyi, Tomithy, Kefeng, Nicholas and etc. Edward came quite later.

Ah, one thing i realised is that most of them have already gotton letters, and they're all going to 192/193 Sqn. Except Edward and me (Edward got his on Saturday. I still haven't received any letters =/) who didn't receive ours.

Its pretty scary. Because 192/193 is the best unit to get into. You get to sail around to other nice ports, and its a big ship~ The other units are less preferred.. so i'm still apprehensive..

ANyways, we were at the Grand City HoteL? or something, and it was a seafood buffet. Ala-carte style. Basically we ordered, and the food came, though it took a pretty long time... Only when most of the people left did the food come more often, but bleh. That was like 3 hours after we came in!

Caught up with the others a bit, then left for Dhoby Ghaut arcade to play a few games. Actually Bade Goodbye to Edward who left to join his gf, but he joined me on the way to PS after all, With his gf of course. His gf doesn't look that old too actually..

Yeap. Played some TC4, realised i'm getting suckier at shooting games, and some other games before i took 502 back.

I finished watching Heroes ... thought the ending wasn't as heated as i thought, it's still a very nice show..~ Can't wait for Season two!

End of Friday 13th~

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Natalie, Where Are you?

(feat. Justin Roman)

(I know you are out there baby...somewhere)
There is someone out there for me (I know there is somebody out there)
I know she is waiting so patiently (yeah) can you tell me her name? (Somebody tell me her name)
This life-long search is gonna drive me insane
How does she laugh? How does she cry? What's the color of her eyes?
Does she even realize I'm here?
Where is she? Where is she? Where is she? Where is this beautiful girl?
Who is she? Who is she? Who is gonna complete my world?
Where is she? Where is she? Where is this beautiful girl?
Who is she? Who is she? Who is gonna complete my world?
dadadadadada dadadada dadadadadada (where are you?)

I'm staring out at the sky (I see you baby)
Praying that he will walk in my life
Where is the man of my dreams (right here) yea-yeah
I'll wait forever, how silly it seems
How does he laugh? How does he cry? What's the color of his eyes?
Does he even realize I'm here?
Where is he? Where is he? Where is he? Where is this beautiful guy?
Who is he? Who is he? Who is gonna take me so high?
(Where Are You Lyrics on
Where is he? Where is he? Where is this beautiful guy?
Who is he? Who is he? Who is gonna take me so high?
dadadadadada dadadada dadadadadada (where are you?)

There is someone out there for me (there is someone out there for me)
I know she is waiting so patiently (so patient)
Can you tell me her name (can you tell me his name)
This life-long search is gonna drive me insane (that's right)

How does he laugh? How does he cry? What is the color of his eyes?
Does he even realize I'm here?

Where is she? Where is she? Where is she? Where is this beautiful girl?
Who is she? Who is she? Who is gonna complete my world?

Where is he? Where is he? Where is he? Where is this beautiful guy?
Who is he? Who is he? Who is gonna take me so high?

dadadadadada dadadada (yeah) dadadadadada (I know you out there)
dadadadadada dadadada (yeah) dadadadadada

[Justin Talking]
Where are you?? I'm going to look all over the world baby
'Cuz I know you are out there
I know this might sound crazy, but I think I love you
dadadadadada (that's right) dadadada dadadadadada
dadadadadada dadadada (yeah) dadadadadada

Where are you??


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

11th July 2007

Thanks to the rain today morning, i missed the bus and had to take another... also got some mud on my shoes and pants.. bleh!

First thing when i reached office was to get the mud off my shoes and pants, but i was also sweating insanely at the same time. Not quite a good start...

Some issues in the morning as well, and barry had to come in and fix the comp in the morning, cause i couldn't scan again. After fixing the whole morning, and a bit in the afternoon, it still didn't work, so ah well.

Lunch was spent with barry and kelvin, a guy in maintenance who joined a few days ago as well. We just chatted idly a bit, before going back to the office where Barry tried to fix the comp again. Meanwhile i just napped a bit.

It was in the afternoon when i suddenly got a lot of work. And i could tell that my boss wasn't very happy with the administration of well, the company. I could even Hear that its very messy.. bleh.

After all, i keep hearing the same stuff over and over.. spread over different days of course...

End of the day i had quite a lot of work to do, and 2 stuff due tomorrow morning.

Oh yea! That time i was thinking this Man Ling had a nice voice... turns out its actually Wan ling with the melodic voice... Wan ling is the one i gotten some stuff from yesterday.. Sigh. Different Lings, very different character and ways of doing stuff. Not to mention the great difference in age i suppose.

Took a train over to Buena Vista to meet up with KC, Naresh, Jiaxin and gf. We then walked over to Hog's breath, where we had dinner with Kangwei, Greg, Rongming, Fidelis and Stuart... basically it was just dinner ba. Albeit an expensive one... we enjoyed ourselves for that short time catching up..

Then it was time for home... at the cheers @ Chinese garden, i actually met up a primary schoolmate. It was obvious that he recognised me from the start, so i decided to pick up a conversation with him. Turns out he just came out from NS, now schooling in a poly, and working 2 part time jobs. What to do, we're so old liao.. he's going to be 26 when he finishes poly, so most likely he's not going to uni.

Cheers then began to get real crowded, so i just bought some sweets, said bye and left...

Then saw two cats making weird noises at each other. They were stationary for a long time, and just kept making noises. I realised both of them were already sterilized, so i didn't disturb them and just walked off..

Yawns. Time to sleep, its getting late... Zzz.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Little joke..

10th July 2007

Just a bit of highlights..

Celine msged me in msn for some help for her assignment when i was going to sleep... i did what little i could, then went for sleep.

Today i woke up feeling like i only slept for a couple of hours again. I don't know why i always wake up feeling like this, though technically i did get at least 7+ hours of sleep..

Its damn weird. Aargh.

Barry came in at 2:30pm asking me for lunch, i told him its way too late and asked him to come tomorrow... seems like i have a lunch buddy tml~ See, my friendliness must have spread to him. Haha.

Went into finance many times, took something from Wan ling, and her colleagues were making some jokes about her feeling faint after i got some documents from her the first time... haha, even esther was making fun of that.

Small joke, but it makes me feel a bit more welcome, even if they're teasing her.

Aargh.. i'm so tired i just want to sleep... zzz

Monday, July 09, 2007

On a side note, i've been feeling happier lately.. in a sense.
I laugh easier now, smile easier now.. except for at work i guess..

I keep smiling alot and laughing.. could it be because of my 'new friends'??

who knows?

There's a real long post ahead, so be warned...

long rant

This is one of my self-analogy/reflections post.

All this may sound very random or crappy, or i may just sound like rambling, but hey, its my blog.

Today, as i was waiting for the bus to come back. I started thinking a bit, about why i am the way i am. Why i'm still single, why i'm so carefree, why why why.

And i came to the conclusion...

I never had a goal. There was never anything to look forward to. I didn't know What i want. Everything's either black or white, no in between.

Now, lets apply it to my love life. Without a goal, 'anyone' could be my gf. Since i didn't really know what i want, i wouldn't actively go for anyone. I don't think i even tried seriously the last few years, all because i don't know what i really want.
Everything's black and white. I either love someone a hell lot, or i don't.

I think that's the way my mind has been thinking for some time now. And i Know, that this isn't working. I don't even have to put it against my love life, against studies... or anything.

And i realise i give up too easily.. couple that with low self esteem, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

This cannot go on....... it really can't. I'm actually a very simple person... i just want to hold someone i love, and grow old with her, caring less about other stuff.

But that's not going to happen of course. That's never going to happen.

One thing is life in SG is getting increasingly and ridiculously harder to live. GST just got upped, and they give us a pittance of the money we'll be spending more on everyday. Just spent 2 years of my life in a black hole... other than learning some general knowledge, what have i achieved?

Oooh and listen, our MM says that we're at a golden time! Wow! Ministers' salaries got raised to more than 100k a month, GST increased, we're attracting more foreign talent... hey, isn't that cause for joy?

Probably in 2010 GST will be raised to 10%, no wait, probably 2012 after PAP wins another election cause everyone is just too scared to vote for the opposition. What people don't realise is that a 2% GST hike is not $2 for every $100 spent. This affects the whole 'supply chain'.

Some suppliers at the top have been absorbing the GST hike, but with this 2% added in i don't think they can absorb that much lar. So lets assume they used to pay $100 for this batch of .. 1000 erasers, and selling us for 50cents a piece. Now with the hike they're paying $100 for 800 erasers, and they can't sell us at $50cents now can they? They'll raise it to at least 70 or 80cents.

And this is just for the basic necessities.. Hasn't anyone realised that a chocolate bar used to cost $1, but now costs up to $1.60?

cause of the 7% gst? Or what? you decide..

Starhub has raised prices, transport hikes are becoming the norm, and hey, they're declaring millions of profits. Its not like they're making a loss lor. Wah liew eh.

Sooooo.. lets put it this way. We're at a Golden age... Our pay isn't increasing because we need to stay competitive, but everything else is rising... Supposedly i go study for uni, currently i'm already paying $90 for my insurance, and $100 for the CPF loan i took from my dad for my poly.

I'm earning 1.5k a month at the moment. No i'm sorry, 1.2k .. forgot about the stupid CPF. So $200 already gone. left maybe 1k. Food & Transport gotta cost at least $100. I get 900.

Suppose i go study for uni. Its going to cost at least 16k. I need to work for what, 2 years before i can go study for 2 years? Wow. That's not going to happen ... that's why everyone's half studying, half working.

And wow, think about it.. after we graduate we're going to want better jobs, so we work hard and slog and slog... but don't forget! There's reservist! So in that month you're gone, some of Singapore's prized assets the Foreign Talent may just take over your job! You're constantly working at 11 months, while others get 12. Not to mention the 2 years of a 'headstart' again *cough*.

So by the time i finish my studies, i'll be 26. And either struggling to pay off debts, or trying to distinguish myself in my new career. Supposedly i get a gf now and get married at the age of 28... i need to get a HDB flat for myself..

Nope, i'm not talking about cars here, just a HDB flat... and the govt expects us to have kids?

Oei. You're kidding me lar. How to have kids when we cannot even tahan to live happily? I'm not talking about a car leh, just downpayment for HDB, then tv, then chairs, sofas, etc.

Congrats to the Govt for making us So kiasu. And people wonder WHY we're so kiasu.
I think i can understand now.

You know, barring any unforeseen circumstances, i'm seriously thinking of migrating. Just by myself. I'll just leave everything behind, cause i don't think my friends can... not many of them anyways.

Okay, this turned out to be a rant... but yea, Icy jie got me thinking, and i just wanted to type it all out. Thanks for the food for thought...

I gotta do some planning.


8th July 2007

8th July 2007

I was supposed to meet edward and tomithy at bishan... but things soon changed after i woke up, with dad telling me i'm going to a family dinner at the nearby coffeeshop. Had to change my plans right after i told edward i'm meeting him.

Ah well. It was a good dinner. Around 8-9 courses. haha... really filling.
Fixed up uncle's comp after that, and went for pool with budee and quan at night.

It started raining heavily halfway throughout. And by the time we were leaving our slippers were soaked .. bleh.

Ah the pool session. There was a malaysian and china girl just beside our table... why did i even mention them? Bleh.

On to today's entry..~

Sunday, July 08, 2007



This entry is about Celine.

Remember i told you a few times about 2 (now 3 people) that were once good friends, but are now ignoring my calls, smses, msn messages (if they even come online>? Celine is a friend from TP, that i've went out with many times and had loads of fun together.

I must say, she must be my first ever female friend that i have a platonic friendship with. Yup, i don't like her in that sense at all, and i've had many enjoyable talks and outing. Not to mention the whole thing with Darryl, my best friend in TP.

I still can't remember how happy i was when they got together... And how bleh i felt when they seperated...

I also know that she has a lot of issues with school, and its like she excommunicated herself from the rest of her mates. I believe she had a close group of friends once, but there was some backstabbing here or there (what i recall of Celine's batch is that they're very very competitive and academically inclined, so this isn't really a surprise).

Why am i saying all this?

Yesterday i told sy(sis) that its Celine's birthday, and she should send her a message. I asked her to msg me if she's online, and she did. So we started talking a bit.

Turns out that she wanted to forget everything about TP. She said i was the unfortunately party caught in between.

I can understand. It must have been more painful those 3 years then i thought..

I told her that i hope she can one day overcome all those difficulties, and that we'll be close friends once again. I'm saying this with my fingers crossed of cause... i really do want to sing KTV at her place there, in fact i think we already made a 'date' to go there one day.

Yes, i miss you Cel. I miss your sarcasm and wits, i miss your humour, i miss your company, i miss your fashion sense (no one to accompany me to shopping anymore).

I hope to see you again Celine. Someday, when you're much stronger...

Be well, and do take good care of yourself..~ Good bye..~